Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter
Daughters of the American Revolution
Daughters of the American Revolution
National Membership
Membership in the NSDAR is based on a proven direct lineal bloodline descent from a Revolutionary War Patriot who is someone who gave aid during the Revolutionary War (April 19, 1775 to November 26, 1783). Any woman aged 18 years or older is eligible. Proof of lineage to a Revolutionary War ancestor must be proved ande apporved by the National Society. No chapter may discriminate against an applicant on the basis of race or creed.
Chapter Membership
The Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter, a women's volunteer service organization, welcomes new members. You will find many different activities from genealogy to handicrafts that can engage your interests and use your talents and skills. The DAR offers leadership opportunites at all levels: Chapter, State and National.
Admission to membership in the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution is initiated through a chapter in your state. DAR volunteer members can assist you with your application.
This is a unique opportunity to honor your heritage as a descendant of a patriot of the American Revolution. For further information on the National Society DAR, please visit the following link:
Contact Us:
For membership information within the Eunice Dennie Burr Chapter, you may contact us in the following way:
Registrar: Jeanne Stevens
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